Office’s profile

Office’s profileBookkeeping and accounting made by TDP’s office meets every requirements for this business.

TDP employs professional staff but also supports attended subjects with legislative help and also monitors and controls the company.

TDP bookkeeping’s mission is diligence, professionalism, and supervision of every economic events and occurrences which may happen in the company.
According to the law TDP has liability insurance claim of this kind of activity.

Services of bookkeeping TDP provides in two ways:
1. Entire bookkeeping is done in TDP’s office, but clients deliver the documentation;
2. Entire bookkeeping is done in client’s seat ,and TDP’s staff works there on client’s appliances on different periods of time.

tel: 22 412 05 30

Towarzystwo Doradztwa Podatkowego Sp. z o.o.

Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego

ul. Grochowska 341 lok. 174
03-822 Warszawa

NIP: 526-22-33-297

KRS: 0000138439

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